Sunday, November 27, 2011

DuPage Children's Museum

After we got back from St.Louis, we figured it would be nice to get out of the house and decided to use the Groupon I had bought for the DuPage Children's Museum. We hadn't been there yet, but had heard many wonderful things about it and figured it was time to check it out.

Micah wasn't in the best mood and he was getting frustrated that he wasn't able to do everything in the museum that he wanted to. Regardless, we had a good time and it was a nice activity to do on a dreary Saturday morning.

Fun with Papa C

Thanksgiving Day was absolutely gorgeous, and we enjoyed some time outside. Christian and I decided to go for a run (although being 19 weeks pregnant adds an entirely new component to running...) and enlisted the help of Nana Kay and Papa C for babysitting. While in the basement they found a truck for Micah to ride that he loved, and were in the process of bringing it outside when we got back from our run. Micah had a great time, and it was a nice way to burn off some energy before stuffing our bellies full of yummy food.

This is his tough boy face - I'd be scared of him!

"Oh, this is so much fun with Papa C."

"Wait! Momma has a ball."

"Hmm, that didn't go very far. Maybe I can try it again."

"Alright - here we go again!"

"Look at that! It's flying in the air!"

"Now, into my big boy truck."

"The view is so much better from back here."

"It's a good thing I have my personal driver in front:)."

Done with the truck! Off to explore...

Good thing Papa C is close behind, shovel and all:).

St. Louis Zoo

Last Sunday I was fortunate enough to be able to drive home and spend most of the week with my parents and grandma. Christian had a three day business trip at the beginning of the week, and after his being gone three days the previous week, I decided I would rather spend time with my mom (who also had the week off) and dad than wait for Christian to come back home before heading down. So, the whole family packed up and headed off, Christian in the direction of the airport via taxi, and Micah and I in the direction of Nana Kay and Papa C's house.

We had a great time, and since I'm unable to see my parents as often as I would like due to the distance, I am grateful for the time we are together. And I know for certain Micah enjoys it as well. He was such a happy boy all week and really seemed to benefit from the change in scenery.

The weather was quite dreary the first couple of days there, but we had our heart set on going to the zoo, and by the time Wednesday rolled around it was decent enough to go. I also was able to meet up with some former small group friends who have relocated to Pennsylvania. The husband's family lives right outside of St.Louis, so Lindsey and I decided to try and make it work, and I'm so glad we did. It was great to see them and catch up, and Micah certainly had a blast running around the zoo. He enjoyed it so much that he actually climbed back in the stroller (which never happens!) to be pushed because he was too tired to walk anymore.

Due to the cooler conditions, I neglected to bring out my camera for the visit. I wanted to at least capture the fact that we were there, and did a quick photo shoot with Micah and my mom while leaving the zoo. Micah is getting to be such a big boy!! I can't even imagine how big he'll seem when we're able to meet our nephew Luke over Christmas...practice for the upcoming event in our own lives, I guess:)

Micah was roaring like a lion and my mom decided to join in:)

Mimicking Momma

It's always amazing to me when I realize how much like sponges little children are. I've heard about that fact, known that you have to be careful about what you say and do around children for what they might pick up, but it's always crazy to me to actually see it put into action.

I have a heart monitor that I rented and have been listening to for the past month and a half, and Micah has started picking up on the fact that this machine emits the heartbeat of a baby. He watches me put the gel on my belly, and will run over and say "baby?" when seeing either the machine or the gel, or actually hearing the heartbeat coming through the machine.

Today, I noticed that he actually started to pretend he was putting gel on his own tummy. He had found a tube of hand lotion and began pulling up his shirt. Soooo cute:) The video is even more humorous to me because he can actually see himself on the screen (I took this from my phone and couldn't see myself what I was doing, therefore the off centered screen) and he is clearly enamored with what he's seeing. I had heard from friends about kids emulating nursing their baby brother or sister, or pretending to throw up in the toilet (as morning sickness ensues their mom) but had yet to see Micah do something of that nature until today.

Kids are so cute and so impressionable!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tot Rock...and first kiss?!?

Last Saturday Christian and I took Micah to his first swimming class...and possibly his last:) Okay, we won't give up that easily, but Micah had a melt down like no other about 5 minutes in to the start of the class (not because he was afraid of the water, but because he was forced to give back the cup he was playing with to move on to the next planned activity) which caused us to leave 15 minutes in. He screamed inconsolably for about 20 minutes before he finally gave in to tiredness...we had never seen anything like it! And poor Christian, who was the one in the water with him:( Oh well - such is life and we'll give it a go next week and see what happens.

Today, Micah had his first "Tot Rock" class which had nothing to do with water or cups (thank goodness!) and everything to do with music. He loved it! And of the 3 boys in the class, he was the best behaved:) What a change from Saturday. I tried to capture a couple of pictures with my phone, so pardon the blurry shot of Micah excitedly showing me his bean bags.

As we were leaving class and saying bye, Micah and another girl literally went right up to each other and kissed...hahahaha...starting too early there, little guy! But it was pretty cute too:) Anyways - we are definitely looking forward to this class next week and although hard for me to believe my little boy is in park district classes already, it's also fun to watch him interacting with other kiddos his own age. What fun in store for us:)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The scene of the crime...

Last week we had beautiful weather and I had to take advantage before it turns bitterly cold and we are stuck inside for 3 months. Micah and I headed back to the scene of the crime, ie, the place he broke his arm. We went for a little jog, Micah completely happy in the Bob, and me making it through a rough 3 miles after 11 weeks off (and about 10 pounds heavier, in the midst of growing a human being, haha). Glad to be done, we ended up playing at the park for almost 1 1/2 hours. And yes, this is the same park that he broke his arm, but we are not scared to go back:) Micah and I both love this park, and enjoy it we did on such a gorgeous day!

The place Micah fell - off the top of this platform where the red slider is. Good thing God makes children resilient:)