This actually has very little to do with jury duty except for the fact that I am downtown with a summons so this story was relayed to me via Christian. :) I am taking the train in today (feeling very much like a grown-up and that Christian and I had traded places for a day) and I get a text from him that goes something like this...
"Funniest moment just happened. Micah was eating breakfast, pandora playing (a radio like station we play via iPhone), and baby got back just came on. It starts out with 'Omg Becky, look at her butt. It is so big.' to which Micah raises his arms in the air for SO BIG! I turned off the song promptly seeing that he had been listening."
Now this story cracked me up to envision Micah doing this. Literally laughing in my seat. But it also made me think and realize just how impressionable our children and their little minds are. And as much as I would love to protect my baby from everything (case and point with last week's burn and its lasting effects), I know that's not possible. I do know, however, that we can control what comes from us in our home and am challenged all the more to raise Micah in a Godly home with strong Christian values and beliefs.
When I think of Micah doing SO BIG however, it just brings a smile to my face:) I so love that little boy...
This reminds me of a children's song from long ago ~ "Be careful, little eyes what you see... oh, be careful, little ears, what you hear... for the Father up above is looking down with love... oh, be careful, little ears, what you hear!" An excellent reminder!