The girl of the hour!
Momma and her baby girl.
Daddy and his boys.
Reid insisted that I hold him, most of the day...
Sweet boy.
Pastor Michael Escamilla held Gemma during the dedication.
The boys loved seeing us up on the screen.
Praying over Gemma to raise her with Christ as the center.
Our sweet family!
We have been blessed.
Our family with grandparents on both sides...again, we are very blessed!
The one smile we were able to get our of her during pictures.
She's like, "what?" :)
My parents - isn't it a sweet picture?
After a big morning, Gemma took a solid nap thank goodness! Post nap she was happy and ready to roll, play and fly!
We love you so much Gemma Jams! You are such a sweetheart who just melts our hearts and you've captured all of us with your sweet smiles and contentedness. We pray you grow up knowing Christ as your savior and you have a desire to keep Him as the center of your life. Love you baby girl!
What a special day with a special girl... and her family, of course. We love you, Gemma Kay, and pray for you daily.