Friday, June 18, 2010

Mr. Micah

Wow - this boy allows for growth for Christian and myself on a daily basis. I have been reading "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" and am figuring out that Micah may have characteristics of a touchy, textbook, and spirited baby. But our biggest thing we are trying to figure out right now is his sleep patterns...I know we are getting in a bad habit of rocking him to sleep, but it's so easy and so cute when he falls asleep in my arms or on Christian's chest. And we just love him so much. In the midst of reading the sleep chapter today, however, we are going to work on putting him down while he's almost out, but not quite, so that he can work on building those "self-soothing" techniques. I failed at my first try, but half-hour later Christian tried again and was successful! Our sweet baby is now sleeping soundly in his room and dad and I are enjoying some "me" time before he wakes up again.


  1. Much to my dismay, I learned early on that Tessa definitely fell into the category of a "touchy" baby. When I read Baby Whisperer before she was born, I thought surely I would have an "angel" baby, not quite the reality. Gotta love those touchy babies!

  2. Yea - I'm still not sure exactly where Micah falls - some days it's more one type, other days it's a different one. Oh well - definitely not the "angel" baby, that's for sure! :)
