Wow - where does time go?? I swear it felt like just yesterday that we were coming home from the hospital with a precious bundle of joy, and all of a sudden Micah is a month old!! Now, seeing that he's born on the 31st, Christian and I questioned when he would turn a month old. Would it be on the 30th of the month, if there was no 31st? Would it be the 1st of the next month? Then what about February? Would we have to wait 3 days? But then we realized we were making it too complicated. We are just going to celebrate his "new month" by celebrating the last day of every month...and that day was Wednesday! I know there aren't many pictures up yet - that should change - but we were having difficulties downloading the pictures because Christian was using a new camera and we didn't have the right cord. We have now solved that problem, so expect more pictures to be loaded...but I wanted to share just a couple of his 1 month pictures here. We love you sweet Micah! Oh what a wonderfully challenging but absolutely amazing month it has been! We can't wait to see what new surprises you have to share with us this month!
Things to remember:
- How hungry you are and how much you love to "suckle"
- How you like to fight sleep, constantly!!, because you don't want to miss a thing
- How you struggle to take long naps in a nice cozy crib all swaddled up, but when you get in your carseat, for any amount of time, you are out like a light and not much can wake you...that is until the need for food strikes you again
- How you love to take naps on mom and dad's chest and shoulders
- How alert you are, looking over your shoulder, at what we haven't figured out yet
- How some days you can go though 4-5 outfits because your diaper just can't seem to contain all your activity...or you have decided to pee all over us in the midst of changing
- How strong you are, right from birth! You are able to lift your neck up for a few seconds, and fight mom and dad swaddling you with your arms, and sometimes fight mom when it's time to eat (even though once you start eating you LOVE it:))
- How easy it is to put you down at night (thankfully!) but the day tends to be a different story
- How you smile so innocently as you drift off to dreamland
- How you were able to focus on mom and dad at about 2 1/2 weeks and sometimes even give us genuine smiles, which are heartwarming
- How precious and sweet you are and how you make me smile on a daily, hourly, "minutely" basis
You were absolutely worth the wait Micah! Here's to many, many more months to celebrate with you.
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