Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kitchen Disaster

Remember the earlier post I wrote about our water line leaking?  Well the damage was larger than I thought...we have had people out here the last two days tearing up our flooring, base boards, pulling out cabinets all from the stupid water leak.  Ughh!  Most of the above pictures are our kitchen, but the first shows all the flooring and base boards torn up from our half bath as well.  If it's not dealing with a c-section, a new baby, an emergency appendectomy, then it's this!  I guess things were getting too easy for us, and we needed another challenge...haha!


  1. yikes! Im sorry you are dealing with all that right now Kelly!!

  2. Oh no! When it rains it pours! I hope there will be some peace and quiet in your house sooner than later.
