Dr Stats:
Height - 30.5" (91%)
Weight - 21pounds, 7ounces (75%)
Head Circumference - 18.39" (91%)
Things to remember:
- how active you've become this month! You are so close to walking - at least with a push toy - as you did it once :) Soon baby girl, which I know will be good and bad, haha.
- how much you love your Daddy. I've said it before, but you definitely light up when he's around or has been gone all day and are practically leaping out of my arms for him
- how much you love your brothers too! both of them. You have really started interacting with them and laughing and giggling with both of them for different reasons, and it makes my heart happy!
- how you love, love, love music and love dancing to it every time you here it!
- how you love to play peek-a-boo, especially around the columns leading in to the family room - it's such a fun game Gemma jams!
- how much you love standing/crawling/playing on the couch! you also like to give me a heart attack but it's all in good fun
- how much you've grown attached to your little blankie and love to snuggle with it
- how content you are in the stroller! you're a great jogging partner for me, Gemma
- how well you did while Mommy and Daddy were on vacation. Such a good thing, baby girl!
- how you walked with your walking toy on your birthday...but that's it, haha. one and done.
We love you sweet pea! You are an amazing gift from God and we are so blessed with your sweet little presence in our lives. You provide some calmness where your brothers are crazy. You love to give hugs and kisses and laugh and drink milk. You are such a big girl and I'm so looking forward to the next year and beyond with you! Thank you for letting me be your Momma :) I love you Gemma Jams! Happy Birthday.
Don't forget how Gemma starts moving to any and all music. Gemma Jams just loves jammin' to the music! 😍 I love you, Sweet Girl! ❤