Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy 1 month Mr. Reid!

How is it possible!??!  You wait so long for your baby to come, and then all of a sudden, he's already a month old!  It is just crazy how fast time goes this side of pregnancy...I know I've said it before, and maybe I'll say it again...but it goes way too quick.  What a month it's been.  Adjusting to life with two, learning to function on much less sleep (that you are unable to make up for due to the fact that you have a 2 year old toddler running around), and figuring how this whole thing works:)  We are definitely blessed and try not to take a second of it for granted, even when you have a strong willed toddler that has meltdowns out of the blue and a sweet month old baby that hasn't figured out how to go longer than 3 hours at night between feedings. 

I love my life!  Having a second definitely makes me realize how easy just one was, although that was unknown to us at the time;)  Reid is a sweet, sweet boy.  At first Christian and I thought he was really low key and even keeled since he hardly made a peep his first day of life.  The next day or two was different, however, and we realize he probably had a dose of anesthesia pass through to him.  Still, as the month has gone on, I do believe overall he's more laid back than his older brother...but time will tell.  I am starting to figure out his signs and think he's a fairly easy baby at this point.  A couple weeks back I was complaining to Christian, asking why he wouldn't just sleep in his crib and what was wrong, and then I realized that we didn't even attempt to put Micah in his crib until he was 4 weeks old...Reid was only 2 at this point!  Already I am trying to make Reid grow up too quickly:)  I wonder how many other mothers/parents do this with their 2nd children?? 

We started back up our pictures with Mickey, which I must admit I was excited to do.  I think it will be fun to see over the months how closely the two boys resemble each other.  There has been much debate about whether Micah and Reid are essentially identical or not, and the jury's still out!  Definitely in some poses/facial expressions I see Micah, but in others not so much. 

Things to remember:

  • how you refuse to take a pacifier, but when I went back to work one day and brought you with I discovered if I worked hard enough, you would actually take it...on your terms
  • how easily you sleep during the day, but the late afternoon/early evening tends to be a different story
  • how you are sleeping in your crib during the day, sometimes going down with very little assistance from mom or dad!  yay for those times!!
  • how much you love sleeping on your tummy
  • how much you love to eat, and would do it quite frequently it mommy let you:)
  • how much your big brother loves you and wants to hold you all.the.time.  he was even able to put you to sleep one day in your bean bag chair while mommy read stories to you both.
  • how much you look like your big brother at times!  (and Daddy thinks most of the time)
  • how you can go from being asleep to alert in a split second, but then drift right back to sleep
  • how you hate to be swaddled (which make sense since you love your tummy) and Mommy finally let you have your arms out while sleeping at night
  • how amazing your european style mullet is
  • how you love to have your hands by your face while sleeping
  • how you got bronchiolitis from your brother at 3 weeks old with the most awful cough
  • how you got "pink eye" at 10 days old and have continued to have the worst eye gunk since:(
  • how much we love you and love that you have joined our family!!!  
We love you sweet Reid and look forward to the months/years ahead:)

1 comment:

  1. Precious, precious baby! Nana Kay loves you, Baby Reid! :-)
