Monday, August 4, 2014

A day goes down in infamy...

Today is a day like no other.  First, I took all 3 kids shopping at the grocery store for the first time.  If you don't count the screaming baby to and from the grocery store, or the 4 year old who had a  20 minute melt down over a cart entering in the grocery store, then it was a success...

Truthfully, the shopping trip itself when great.  Gemma slept in the Ergo, Reid was in the cart, and Micah pushed his own cart that helped carry needed food.  We were probably a site to behold, especially with Micah's screaming his bloody head off at first (which I waited out in the handicapped stall in the bathroom), and then his slowly pushing his cart that was getting heavier and heavier.  It worked out really well and I'll call it a success despite the screaming children set backs.

Gemma has not been a fan of her car seat for any length of time since our trip to Wichita.  We just got back last night, and while it was a long time in the car, Gemma is over life right now it seems :/  She is not very content right now unless she's eating or being held or sleeping.  This just started last Wednesday (the day after we arrived in Wichita) and it's been a rough 5 days to say the least!!  I'm hoping/praying that it was just the chaos and new stimulus and traveling and give her a few days this week and she'll be back to being the content little baby I had gotten to know.  Fingers crossed!!

In addition to the shopping trip, Gemma would not sleep in her pack-n-play for longer than 45 minutes today.  That darn 45 minute intruder that plagued Micah is seeming to plague Gemma now too :(.  I'm hoping she'll overcome it, and it's not permanent, but it's not a fun stage.  I keep saying "this too shall pass".  I know Reid basically lived in the Ergo his first 3 months of life, so if that's what has to happen with Gemma too, that's what has to happen.  I just would like her to be a little happier during her waking hours...again, it's been 5 days, so hopefully it's just vacation ramifications and not permanent!!

The other piece to remember for today is the potential of the ending of Reid and his paci!!  It has been breaking, and he continued to break it further over vacation to which I kept saying "if it breaks, it goes bye-bye"  "no more paci" etc.  I was praying it didn't actually happen over vacation, but Reid literally only gets it for nap and bed times, and I've been waiting for the time/how to be completely done.  Well, today it happened...the paci officially broke from his chewing it, and he didn't have it for nap or bed tonight.  It was a short nap (45 minutes...oh the irony) and he cried for a bit at bed tonight but then settled.  We'll see how the night itself goes, and the next couple of days, but I hope we can stay strong and he's over it in a couple of days.  I did give him a pillow tonight, trying to convince him it was a solid trade, but I don't think he was buying it, lol.

There you go - a loooooong day!  Oh, and on top of the kid drama, I was on the phone with insurance about two claims: a noninsured Gemma and doctor visits not covered and a denied test from back in December that will cost us $2700+ if we don't get it appealed and approved.  Sigh.  All the while carrying a baby so she would sleep and trying to tune out a child screaming in his crib because he didn't have a paci.  When did life get so tough?

So prayers would be appreciated.  For our sanity in the midst of chaos.  For a baby to figure out sleeping and being a bit more content.  For progress in nursing (more on that at a later date).  For insurance issues to be resolved as easily and positively as possible.  Life is crazy.  Life is tough.  But life is also beautiful!  Regardless of the pure exhaustion I feel throughout the day as well as evening (and middle of the night), I love, love, love my family!  Each child and my husband are such a blessing and I'm beyond happy and amazed at the miracles God has allowed me to experience with their lives.

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