Monday, March 25, 2013

11 months? Time is FLYING!

How is it possible that I am one month away from having a one year old and an almost three year old?  Where has time gone?  Reid is 11 months today and boy has he grown!!  He is continuing to explore the world around him, and getting ever so close to walking.  This past weekend he actually stood for periods of time on his own before cautiously sitting on the ground and he even took a couple steps here and there with only slightly holding on to mom or dad's finger.  Sooo close, too soon, and we'll have a walking little boy.  He has pretty much mastered his sleeping at this point and I am extremely grateful for that, as I've realized I can do anything on a decent night's sleep.  We have also seen a much more, shall I say determined? Reid? I fear the word "strong-willed" as we already have one of those boys, and LOVE him dearly, it might be a bit crazy in our household if that's the case, lol.  Reid is quite persistent in what he wants to do and definitely shows his dissatisfaction if we impede on his plans.  He also popped his 5th tooth this month, and I'm thinking he's working on his 6th right now as he's had a fever the last two days and been a bit more needy as well as chewing on what he can get his hands on.  He's growing so much and looking less and less like a little baby - though I know he still is in the big picture of life!

(Pictures will be updated here - poor baby has had a fever for the past 36 hours and was definitely not himself today, though I did snap a couple...I think we will do it again in a couple of days when he's feeling better...)

Things to remember:
  • How much you love to play with the kitchen stuff...tupperware, pots and pans, dishwasher, fridge, name it, you love it!
  • How you have started standing on your own in short increments as well as taking baby steps with barely holding on to a up, walking!
  • How you cruise with your walking toy, forward, backward,'re a pro.
  • How you love to climb the stairs and get such a kick out of me coming to "get you".  You giggle profusely and then continue to climb (as long as you aren't distracted and fall backwards, only for me to catch you, lol!)
  • How you have started drinking water from your sippy cup, as well as a bottle before your afternoon nap.  You are now officially down to 2 feedings from Mama and 1 more with the bottle.
  • How you got your 5th tooth this month and I think #6 is on its way.
  • How you are great at saying bye-bye when you go night-night or someone leaves the room.
  • How you started doing "so big" when Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and love the attention and praise you get from it.
  • How you absolutely thrive on flipping backwards, so much so that we have to be on guard when holding you to make sure we don't drop you unexpectedly.
  • How you have finally made it through nursery without getting Mama called out.  3 weeks and counting!
  • How you have started eating lunches that mimic your brothers - ie, peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sticks and fruit and veggies...such a big boy!
  • How you whimper when you see new people in your proximity...not sure if you think that they are taking you away or that Mom or Dad are leaving you, but it makes us laugh.
  • How you are saying "Da-Da" and "Ma-Ma" with much more regularity.
  • How happy you continue to be, day in and day out!
We love you sweet Reid and I cannot believe next post will be your 1 year post!  Ah, you are growing up too quickly baby boy, but we are thriving on every second of it.

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