I know the pictures are similar - he's just so smiley in all of them! It's great. :)
Doctor stats: 18.9 pounds (35%), 28.75 inches (75%) and 17.75 inches head circumference (50%)
Things to remember:
- How you got teeth number 3 and 4 this month, #4 coming in over the course of a day from start to finish...not a great time for you, and about the only thing that can cause you complete neediness
- How you really started saying "Dada" and "Mama" with some knowledge of who you're talking about
- How much of a Momma's boy you are. You haven't made it through nursery one time yet, unfortunately. And if I'm ever in the room, you're close by :)
- How you and your brother have moments of sweetness and pure joy in laughing with each other. You light up when he's in the room, and as long as he isn't antagonizing you, you're all smiles for Micah. You also tolerate your brother's pulling you around by your legs (at least for a little while...)
- How you have started scooting along the couch this month...reminding me I need to get the walking toy out so you can start using that to assist you in walking!
- How you finally started sleeping through the night!!!! What a glorious shift it has been for your Momma now that we're both getting a pretty decent night of sleep. You tend to go down around 7pm and wake around 6ish in the morning.
- How much you love table food...you hardly eat any baby food anymore and just love almost everything we put in front of you!
- How much you love to play hide and seek with the kitchen curtains :)
Oh, my! How that boy is changing! I love the smile - absolutely infectious... makes me smile :-)