Could it be possible that I gave up too soon?
And what are the chances that Micah's 2 year molars came in this week? The same week I decided to try and potty train. That would explain the fever, the disrupted sleep, the lack of appetite, the dehydration, the hands in the mouth and the overall crankiness the second half of the week. Seriously, the timing is just uncanny.
Lo and behold, after I gave up yesterday and put him in diapers, he wakes up this morning dry. He then proceeds to tell Christian (as I was gone running already) that he needed to go potty. Christian was fixing breakfast and told him just a minute, and he even had to wait a little longer. And then he went. For a long time. Then before lunch he runs up to me and says the same thing, and he went again (all the while maintaining a dry diaper). He slightly resisted before nap time (probably because it was my prompted versus his) but he did end up going, again.
After nap we were off to Monkey Joe's to play for a little bit and then out to eat at a fabulous Indian restaurant Christian has discovered. When we got to the restaurant Micah comes up to me while I'm looking at the menu and tells me he has to go potty. We head to the bathroom, and he went! He also had very little wetness in the diaper that had been on him since he went down for his nap.
All this play-by-play of the day to say, maybe he is ready? Or at least certainly heading in the right direction fast. And maybe he really was just dealing with 2 year molar pain, on top of trying to learn potty training and it threw everything off. And maybe I did just give up too soon. Whatever the case, I'm just taking his lead right now. It seems to be the best of both worlds, if he still comes up to tell us when he has to go potty but does it wearing a diaper so as to avoid any accidents that could happen.
Ah, the joys of parenting that always leave you wondering where the next road in the journey will take you and what you'll think looking back on where you've been and where you're at. It's a wonderful, exciting albeit frustrating ride that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Three cheers for Micah and Momma!